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Friday, October 18, 2024

MAGA Prayer πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ—½✝️

O Lord, we lift our hearts in prayer πŸ™ 
For this land we hold so dear & fair
Guide America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² with Your light⚡
Through the darkest days, lead us right

Protect the unbornπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ό, small & frail
Give them life, let hope prevail
Strengthen our borders, firm & strongπŸ’ͺ
Keep our nation safe from wrong

Grant us leaders, brave & true
Who stand for justice⚖️ in all they do
Let honesty reign & truth be told
With courage, integrity, pure as goldπŸ₯‡ 

Help us cherish values bright
Faith, love ❤️ & what is right
Turn our hearts to You, O Lord
With Christ ✝️, our guide, in one accord

Revive our spirit, let freedom πŸ—½ring πŸ”” 
Make us worthy of the blessings You bring
With patriotism, faith & grace πŸ•Š️ 
Help us build a better place

For our country, hear our plea
Bless this land of liberty
With Your mercy, lead us on
To a brighter hopeful dawn 
#MAGA πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

#NeverKamala πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ŽπŸš«

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Prayer for POTUS Trump

Be strong & bold, don't be dismayed
The Lord is with you, don't be afraid
Wherever you walk, His light will shine
Guiding your steps, His will divine
Fear NOT the storm, nor dark of night
For God's own hand will lead you right

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Ode to Life πŸ™✝️πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΌπŸ€±πŸ‘¨‍πŸΌπŸ‘©‍πŸΌπŸ§‘‍🍼


From the moment of conception's spark,
A life begins, though small & stark.
A precious soul, so pure & new,
A gift from God✝️, both bright & true.

In the womb, God knows their name,
Each tiny heartbeatπŸ’“ ,not the same.
In His image, they are made,
With love so deep, it will not fade.

Before their eyes πŸ‘€ have seen the day,
God has planned their every way.
Innocence wrapped in tender form,
A miracle within the storm.

Their hands are small, their hearts so light,
They are precious in His sight.
Each child a wonder, life divine,
God's perfect ⭐work, His grand design.

He knew them long before their birth,
Each baby carries endless worth.
With purpose woven into time,
A life ordained by hands sublime.

How can we then ignore the plea,
To guard them with sincerity?
To shield the innocent from harm,
And cradle them within our arms?

For they are souls with futures bright,
Created for His holy light.
The Lord commands us to defend,
The unborn πŸ•Š️ life He longs to mend.

So let us stand for those unseen,
For every child, both pure & clean.
In love, protect them from all strife,
For in God's eyes, they carry life.

Each baby's worth is more than gold,
A treasure that cannot be sold.
To save, to love, to nurture too,
For every life, God calls on You

Fair Election Poem πŸ—³️πŸ—½πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

In electionsπŸ—³️, a voice should be earned,
With laws of the land duly learned.
To cast a vote in a nation's plan,
You must first be a citizen, woman or man.

When rules are bent, & lines blur thin,
It's unfair to those who've registered in.
For every vote made from an unlawful hand,
A legal vote is silenced, dismissed, or banned.

Citizens pay taxes, abide by the laws,
They should have the right to support a cause.
But when someone unvetted steps in to vote,
It tips the scales, a sinking boat.

Citizenship is the price to pay,
For a voice in the country's election day.
And if one's here illegally,
Should they influence our democracy?

A system's integrity must stand tall,
For the benefit of one & all.
So, let's ensure it's clear & fair,
That only those who belong, DECLARE πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‘πŸ—½

Sunday, September 22, 2024

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs. Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore

The churches – Calvin Church, Grace Church, and Church of the Servant (COS) – join Sherman Street Church in leaving the CRC. 

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs who I really appreciated ( I still remember "Anonymous Bosch" in the Chimes).  Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore after Synod 2024 ( btw, i was there! not as a CRC delegate, but just an interested individual who grew up in the CRC & GR, mostly).  I  sensed he wasn't a far -right conservative (neither am I) but I thought he was a moderate with some theological convictions about the danger of too much "compromise".  I personally agree with the CRC decision because I feel the church must have a minimum set of standards before it becomes meaningless.

 It's sad to see these CRC churches deciding to leave the denomination. I pray for the Lord to convict their hearts and turn them in the right direction! Hear our prayer Lord. 

"If you're not in agreement, you've got a year to change your mind. And then after that time, you are going to be forced to leave the denomination," said James Vanden Bosch, professor emeritus of English and a member of Calvin Church's disaffiliation committee. "We'd rather do it on our own terms and our own schedule."

I attended three of the four churches above periodically during college. I remember when COS was starting out in the gym at Seymour School. I remember Jack Roeda. He was a great pastor & seemed to like me  (until he was told some false & blasphemous rumors about me spread by some of my so-called "friends" who I didn't realize were so far left; and actually despised me for being moderate, if not conservative at the time. They set a "honey pot" trap to try to bring me down; and when it failed they spread false rumors anyways. I wasn't savvy enough at the time to realize what they were doing. Shame shame shame on them). 

 And I remember Mark Vermaire preaching at Sherman (one time he played the song "What if God was one of us; just a slob like some of us" (by Alanis Morrisette) as a sermon illustration.  I also remember the pastor from Grace during the 80's when the Diekemas attended there, and then Jack Kooreman took over (he was in my Greek class at RBC). And my parents were married at Calvin CRC, a short walk from my mother's EGR childhood home. 

We pray for you to reconsider before you make a decision that will probably never be reversed. It's forever. Talk to God on your knees. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Lessons Learned after 500 Visits to Prison | " Christian Reformed Church

WHAT IS WORSE than a far-left immoral radical lefty liberal dem (FLIRL dem) ⁉️

1. A FLIRL dem who just discovered CrossFit

2. A FLIRL dem with a podcast

3. A FLIRL dem in charge of the group text

4. A FLIRL dem who's also your mother-in-law

5. A FLIRL dem with a megaphone at 6 a.m.

6. A FLIRL dem that's also a vegan influencer

7. A FLIRL dem who doesn't use headphones on public transportation

8. A FLIRL dem who corrects your grammar at parties

9. A FLIRL dem that just binged all of "West Wing"

10. A FLIRL dem who insists on discussing astrology at every dinner party

Saturday, August 17, 2024

there was a lot of misunderstanding & mis- speculation about why I left Grand Rapids

there was a lot of misunderstanding & mis- speculation about why I left Grand Rapids 
... some of you who follow my blog know a little about me and my family.. and how we moved from GR to California when I was a senior in high school, but I finished school in GR, and then went on to Calvin for more than 4 years. After my first BA I got a 2nd BA - making it 6 years, plus a year & a half at Calvin Sem, plus a year working at Pine Rest as a Mental Health Worker ... so I was a loyal GR resident for a long time with lots of GR heritage . In between all these years I would come and go for short or long spells. A semester in Spain. A semester in Hawaii. a few summers back in CA . Finally after I got a teaching degree (before I returned to seminary) I left for 2 years and taught school in CA . But i came right back to GR after those 2 years- and stayed for a year. Then I returned to CA and attended Fuller Sem. And now I regularly visit GR but no longer reside there full-time or part-time. However, I have heard things "thru the grapevine" - those kind of urban myths that evolve when people don't know anything truly factual about your life and whereabouts. They only hear little bits and pieces, and some of that may be transmitted by nefarious rivals who want to make me look bad (yes, even "good Christians" can do that sometimes). Truth is I simply moved on - beginning with my teaching - and later as a CHristian evangelist. I came VERY CLOSE to settling down in GR - the good ol' married with kids" thingamajig, but I knew God was calling me to be a missionary /evangelist, maybe even to Africa and I knew that even though the final gal I dated was a sincere Christian (from Calvin & South CHristian), I also knew she was a "Michigan girl" and would never be happy or even willing being a "missionary wife" out in the big bad world somewhere. It was the hardest thing in my life to do- because I respected her so much - and some other Michigan girls who were good spouse possibilities - but I had to be true to my calling from God. That's not to say I've always been perfectly obedient or become a classic African missionary - never did end up there (except for some short-term mission trips. But I hope this helps end any wild speculation about me and my whereabouts and who I am and what I represent, or try to. I continue to live as a CHristian evangelist and daily engage in concrete activities to reach others with the Good News of Jesus Christ our Savior ! Please pray for me. God bless you all 

Friday, August 16, 2024

"What Elon Musk said about Jesus Christ surprised everyone. “If Jesus is saving people…” - THE TRUTH


Elon Musk was invited to accept Jesus Christ as Savior: 

"Musk paused before responding, expressing his agreement with the teachings of Jesus. He highlighted the importance of principles such as "turn the other cheek," forgiveness, and loving one's neighbor. Musk humorously added, "But hey, if Jesus is saving people, I mean, I won't stand in His way. Sure, I'll be saved. Why not?"


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

there was a guy named Bob

Bob Devries, oh what a sight to behold,
A man with a story, both brash and bold.
With a wink and a smile, he'd take the stage,
Loving the spotlight, the center, the rage.

Narcissism's charm was his favorite delight,
He'd bask in the glory, from morning to night.
Like a ham in the limelight, he thrived on the cheers,
Yet his antics to embarrass brought mostly sneers.

The success he achieved, well, that's quite a tale,
It came from his name, not from hard work or scale.
His father's science legacy, 
Gave Bob all the fame, but not a true friend.

In Grand Rapids he stayed, a homegrown delight,
Never venturing far, never soaring to heights.
He knew his own town like the back of his hand,
But the world's greater lessons he'd never quite understand.

He was kind of a homeboy, with comfort so dear,
Yet the world passed him by, year after year.
So much to discover, so much to explore,
But Bob never ventured outside his own door.

He quit far too early, left much still undone,
His potential was vast, but he never did run.
The lessons of life were left to the breeze,
For Bob Devries missed out, on much that he could seize.

So here's to Bob Devries, a tale so entwined,
A character of charm, but with much left behind.
A life lived in shadows, in the comfort of home,
With a name and a legacy, but a heart still unknown.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

there was a guy named Roger

In a quaint town where the church bells ring,
Lived Roger Greenway, a man with a sting,
Son of a pastor with a pious grace,
Yet Roger felt lost in that holy space.

With a heart full of longing, he'd often confide,
In his father's shadow, he could never abide,
Comparisons haunted, each step felt so small,
In a world where he'd never quite measure up at all.

Jealousy brewed in the corners of his mind,
Seeing others succeed, while he fell behind,
Not the brightest of sparks in the academic dome,
He trudged on a path far from his true home.

He'd found his way to a professor's role,
Yet his missionary dreams took a different toll,
Never a beacon in the foreign lands,
His work seemed to falter, slipping through his hands.

Petty and mean-spirited at times he'd be,
His harshness a shield from the eyes that could see,
In his fear of exposure, a truth he'd defend,
He kept up a bluff he could never amend.

Sexual insecurities, a hidden, dark plight,
Made Roger live in perpetual fright,
Maintaining a facade with every breath,
While inside, he feared the revelation of death.

His life was a struggle, a quest for some light,
Yet shortcuts and lies kept him out of sight,
A rise to the top on a shaky pretense,
Left him unfulfilled, devoid of recompense.

In the hallways of academia, his name did persist,
But behind his façade, a truth was missed,
Roger Greenway, with a heart full of dread,
Lived a life unfulfilled, with regrets left unsaid.

As the years went by, his end drew near,
With a life of false glory and unspoken fear,
A soul never content, always looking askance,
Died unhappy, a man who never took a real chance.

His story remains, a lesson so clear,
Of a man who lived in constant veneer,
A tale of a life marred by doubt and disguise,
Who found in the end that truth never lies.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Prayers for ✝️πŸ’œπŸ™"A Silent Slaughter: The Ongoing Persecution of Christians in Nigeria -"


"During the past week, Islamic Fulani extremists have killed numerous Christians in North Central Nigeria, particularly in Benue and Plateau states.."

Friday, July 26, 2024

"Archaeologists make 'sensational' discovery at location where Jesus was resurrected" | Dae


"The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is identified as the place of both the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus, and sees around four million visitors each year.."

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I hate to bust your bubble buddy about PREDESTINATION, but ...

I hear radio preachers etc regularly bash so-called "Calvinists" about predestination. Hate to inform them but MOST of us Calvinists (those from the Reformed denominations) RARELY dwell upon predestination. It's something taught a few times periodically growing up & that's about it. We don't sit around and talk about being ' predestined'

"If You Won’t Listen To The Lord For His Blessings, You Will Listen To Him In His Judgments "- The Washington Standard

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

πŸ™prayers for : Steven W. Venhuizen . Logos Christian Community - Google Search

He was a little bit of a pompous jerk back in Calvin when he was in seminary starting out as a Preacher Man, and I was still undergrad. He had that Canadian attitude combined with new pastor-preacher attitude, and condescension towards Americans, specially undergrads. Hopefully he's become a better person these days . we pray for him. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Unfort, looks like @crcna Synod has permanently turned off YT commentary

Unfort, looks like @crcna Synod has permanently turned off YouTube commentary after  Monday's invasion by secular lefties. I understand. However, during less contentious sessions, it would be nice for normal CRC people to be able to interact worldwide via comments

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6.18.24 Email to CRC Synod

To whom it may concern: as you know, the  CRC is in session this week and they are live streaming with a  20-minute delay on YouTube, and commentary is allowed.

 I come from a long line of CRC pastors and much Dutch Christian reform heritage, and so I'm on YouTube watching and praying and commenting. And my comments are appropriate and on task to the topic being discussed. 

And yet I have found out that there are what I call "YouTube assassins" with a political agenda, false flagging commentary they don't like, and getting the YouTube moderator (somebody who regulates the CRC YouTube channel for synod) to shut down my commentary, and others. And it seemed like it was mostly they were shutting down conservative commentary.

 So I'm just wondering who is this CRC YouTube channel moderator, and are they being unduly influenced by false flaggers who are trying to affect the agenda of the CRC according to their personal political persuasions.

 Earlier in the day as I was interacting with other  commentators, one YouTube person admitted to me that he's not a Christian, nor interested in the CRC, but is there to attack the CRC doctrines and confessions. 

These are the types of people that are false flagging my commentary and others like me and persuading the YouTube channel moderator to block us from commenting (& praying online). 

I hope the moderator him or herself is not such a person but that they're being unduly influenced by the false flaggers. Could somebody please look into this and make sure that the moderator is not somebody with a personal political agenda ? 

And give them a heads up that there are those who are trying to sabotage the commentary for their own personal agenda, mostly towards the left. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Are secular lefty activist targeting the Christian Reformed Church ?

The @CRCNA for those who don't know is the Christian Reformed Church North America and they have a Synod every year which is kind of comparable to the way Congress works. There are motions & agendas &time to speak for or against etc. they also live stream with 20 minute delay to YouTube, & allow commentary.

 However, they are those with a lefty agenda who have discovered they can propagandize via commentary against the conservative agenda of the CRC. And the same Lefty activists also will false flag conservative commentary making it more likely that conservatives get blocked by the moderator despite the CRC being a historically conservative denomination. 

 Fortunately however on this important motion tonight the spirit of wisdom prevailed, praise the Lord. I was praying mightily for it to happen.

Meanwhile I hope somebody can reach out to the YouTube moderator (an unnamed CRC staff member) & let them know that they're being played like a puppet by these Lefty activists. (Or, God forbid,  that this moderator him or herself is a lefty activist πŸ‘Ž). 

It's sort of like that cake bakery that refused to bake or design a cake celebrating gay marriage. The gay activists keep going back to him and still do trying to get him into legal trouble, even though there's hundreds of other bakeries who would gladly make them whatever kind of cake they want. 

I'm afraid this is what these activists are trying to do to the CRC. There are numerous denominations especially Presbyterians and Methodist now who welcome any kind of marriage even the pastors can be gay. These activists  insist & demand that the CRC comply as well. Even though  they could go to a presbyterian or Methodist half a mile away. 

Synod 2024 Liveblog, YES ! Holy Wisdom prevailed πŸ‘πŸ•Š️πŸ™ 6.17.24

  • 10:15 - Delegates move to vote on this recommendation electronically.  The vote is 137 to 47 in FAVOUR of the motion.  


Does anybody really believe that Bob Knoor wrote this? He was never the brightest bulb if you know what I mean ?

"Experts discover earliest record of Jesus' childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript |"

"The 2,000-year-old papyrus - a material that predates paper - tells the lesser-known story of the 'vivification of the sparrows,' when the five-year-old Messiah is said to have turned clay pigeons into live birds, a tale also referred to as the 'second miracle.."


Sunday, June 16, 2024

"Discovered, Potentially Corroborate Bible Story of God's Angel Killing 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers | "

"The story, as told in the Bible, recounts how God sent an angel to thwart an army of Assyrian soldiers intent on conquering the Holy Land around 2,700 years ago. The Angel of the Lord is said to have descended upon the advancing military, killing 185,000 soldiers in a single night..."


Awesome πŸ‘ 🎡"Grand Haven Praise by the Pier 2024 - Grand Haven MI

Slippery slope. What's next : u don't believe in Jesus but still want to attend? re CRC's "confessional difficulty gravamen"

Slippery slope. What's next : you don't believe in Jesus but you still want to attend the church? Maybe you're a Satanist but you like sitting in the church and socializing with the Christians ( or negatively influencing them?) 
 CRC concept known as "confessional difficulty gravamen" (CDG) [is problematic]"Grand Rapids Christian Reformed churches send letter to Synod on sexuality"


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bible Mnemonics (no rights reserved, no copyright)

Bible Mnemonics
AAA: Do NOT be anxious about anything 🚫
ROGG: Radiance of God's Glory
BOM: Brothers of Mine
CAP: Called according to His purpose

ICDAT: I can do ALL things thru Christ
FOE: Fix our Eyes πŸ‘€ on Jesus✝️
FLOG: Nothing can separate us
from the Love ❤️ of God
WIG: HE has shown you
O man What is Good

HIP: HE is Patient
WESH: Who Earnestly seek Him
TAU: Transcends all understanding
TYMD: That you may declare..

BOP: NOT a spirit of Timidity but of Power πŸ’ͺ
BAW: Boast about Weakness
LYE:  Love your Enemies
BAND: Believe & do NOT doubt

CLIMB: I no longer live
but Christ Lives in ME
BIL: My burden is LightπŸ•―️
CYS: Confess your sins ✝️
ASGOE: Against the spiritual Forces of evil πŸ‘ΏπŸš«

NEM: New (mercies) every morning πŸŒ…
LYLS: Let your LightπŸ’₯Shine
TRYM: Be Transformed by the
Renewing of your Mind

RAW: Reverence & Awe
FGOG: Free Gift 🎁 of God
KOA: Be Kind πŸ™‚to one Another
GIL: God is Love ❤️ ✝️

LAGL: Live a godly Life
BOHM: Because of HIS mercies
NRLTL: Narrow road πŸ›£️ leads to Life
SAMN: Supply all my Needs

BAP: Blessed are the Peacemakers πŸ•Š️✌️
SORTS: Those who Wait on the Lord shall renew their Strength πŸ’ͺ
OPS: Our present Suffering
GATY: Grace abound to you
SHUK: Seek HIS kingdom

TYGER: Thank you God, Eternal Reality πŸ‘πŸ…
EOA: Encourage one Another
SLUM: The Spirit πŸ•Š️ of the Lord is upon me
SIFTS: Spirit Intercedes for the Saints

WOGLA: The WordπŸ“– of God is Living & Active
BIHD: Baptized into His Death ☠️ ☝️
FATFB: The Fullness of Assurance
that Faith ✝️ brings 

Mark your calendar 3.25.25 " to Connect '2.5 BILLION Christians' in Simultaneous Worldwide Prayer & Worship - "

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Where do major US religions stand on the COVID-19 vaccination? | "

"Dutch Reformed Church
Though it is not an official church stance, many members opt out of vaccination because they believe that vaccines can interfere with their relationship with God by making them less dependent. The church has not made a specific statement about the COVID-19 vaccine."


Friday, May 17, 2024

Is Caesar Nero the 666 of the Bible?

"Preterist theologians typically support the interpretation that 666 is the numerical equivalent of the name and title Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor 54–68 AD). Written in Aramaic, this can be valued at 666 using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, and was used to secretly speak against the emperor..."


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Exhibit A "Roger Greenway was one of those old school professors who s. harassed in subtle ways such as this

This goes with the previous post re same person . 

Actually I may as well re- post the words I wrote as well: 

"It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day when I was a student it was common and some Christian schools and even at Calvin College for insecure male teachers or professors to needle students who threatened their insecure ego. It was their M.O. 

These teachers would take cheap shots in subtle ways about a student's "manhood" or "masculinity". One way they would do this was to raise their eyebrows and say "very creative " in response to a thought you shared or something you wrote, etc. 

Sometimes they'd just do it one-to- one. Other times they'd do it in public, even in the classroom. It was definitely not appropriate for sure but they would get away with it back then as part of their "bully pulpit." 

Because back then these self- proclaimed so-called "manly men" deemed "creativity " to be a non-masculine trait. 

Or in some cases if a professor couldn't get away with doing something demeaning himself, he would encourage another student to do so. At Calvin College and Seminary if they called you 'dude' that was also a little bit of a slur. 

For example, a professor might be speaking with one student and they might say about another student oh he's a dude," with an insinuating tone. And encourage that student to marginalize the other student as a dude. And this would also help take the light off of that professor who might be the actual less than virtuous person. It would especially help them if they could pit one student against another. 

One of the most egregious professors in this regard at Calvin Seminary was Roger Greenway (Bob DeVries may be second. Cal Van Reken was up there as well). They actually considered this unethical behavior as "gamemanship".  

Roger above all was highly threatened by my alpha male presence and more than once took some little unethical and inappropriate cheap shots at me such as the above. Or was intrusive. 

One time we had a banquet at the beginning of the year, and I had to go make a phone call. This was before cell phones, so I had to find a public phone. And we were at a public restaurant, not at the Seminary. So I stepped out for a few minutes. IT was an important phone call that couldn't wait. When I came back he was demanding, " Where were you? Where'd you go?" as if it was any of his business. I didn't even know him at that time.

I didn't even know his name. I didn't even know he was a professor. This was a banquet for new students, including professors and other staff as well. There were a lot of faces that I did not know at that time. I was not new to Calvin College; had already gotten my bachelor's degree there , but I was new to Calvin Seminary. 

He took an over- the- top special interest in everything about me which felt weird; even in this case taking special interest in why I was absent from the banquet for 5 or 10 minutes. 

What if I had been in the restroom with diarrhea or something? Is that his business as well ? This isn't like we're in elementary school or kindergarten where the teacher has to know everything about the kid like a parent. This is basically graduate school. 

Roger actually made the mistake of continuing to take shots at me even after I had left Calvin Seminary, and all the more stupidly, he did so in writing. And once I find that letter that I still have somewhere, I will post it as evidence. 

But you see these low- level professors* would use the word "creative" & other similar enigmatic words because it's ambiguous enough to use as "double speak." This way they are covering their tracks and they can deny that they meant anything derogatory, if confronted by a complaint, or a superior investigating their behavior. 

"Dude" passed as doublespeak in that regard as well because you could argue that it's an affectionate way of talking to a fellow person. 

Roger Greenway has passed away, so I won't go on and on... I won't go on any further, but it's worth mentioning because there might be some professors still trying to get away with this this sort of bully behavior, and maybe some students can pick up a few tips from this information. Greenway was part of the reason that I decided to transfer to a different Seminary. 

 Don't allow professors to take advantage of you. They have ethical responsibilities and obligations that come with their teaching position; and belittling students is a violation of those ethical standards. 

*Note: It's usually only a small amount of professors who need to use this kind of unethical "classroom control", (or even outside the classroom in some cases). It's the professors who do NOT have real great command of their content, or don't have any real command at all. So they begin struggling for class control; feel insecure , and begin belittling students as a way to silence them.

 Coincidentally, both Roger Greenway and Bob DeVries may have been hired more for "legacy" reasons, or nepotism ( ie sons of professors or pastors) rather than any real great academic command or proficiency. I'm not sure about Cal Van Reken. "

Thursday, May 9, 2024

It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day..

It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day when I was a student it was common and some Christian schools and even at Calvin College for insecure male  teachers or professors to needle students who threatened their insecure ego. 

These teachers would take cheap shots in subtle ways about a student's "manhood" or "masculinity". One way they  would do this was to raise their eyebrows and say "very creative "  in response to a thought you shared or something you wrote, etc. 

Sometimes they'd just do it one-to- one. Other times they'd do it in public, even in the classroom. It was definitely not appropriate for sure but they would get away with it back then as  part of their "bully pulpit." 

Because back then these self- proclaimed so-called "manly men" deemed "creativity " to be a non-masculine trait. 

Or in some cases if a professor couldn't  get away with doing something demeaning himself, he would encourage another student to do so. At Calvin College and Seminary if  they called you 'dude' that was also a little bit of a slur. 

For example, a professor might be speaking with one student and they might say about another student oh he's a dude," with an insinuating tone. And encourage that student to marginalize the other student as a dude. And this would also help take the light off of that professor who might be the actual less than virtuous person. It would especially help them if they could pit one student against another. 

One of the most egregious professors in this regard at Calvin Seminary was Roger Greenway (Bob DeVries may be second. Cal Van Reken was up there as well). They actually considered this unethical behavior as "gamemanship".  

Roger above all was highly threatened by my alpha male presence and more than once took some little unethical and inappropriate cheap shots at me such as the above. Or was intrusive. 

One time we had a banquet at the beginning of the year, and I had to go make a phone call. This was before cell phones, so I had to find a public phone. And we were at a public restaurant, not at the Seminary. So I stepped out for a few minutes.  IT was an important phone call that couldn't wait. When I came back he was demanding, " Where were you? Where'd you go?"  as if it was any of his business. I didn't even know him at that time.

I didn't even know his name. I didn't even know he was a professor. This was a banquet for new students, including professors and other staff as well. There were a lot of faces that I did not know at that time. I was not new to Calvin College; had already gotten my bachelor's degree there , but I was new to Calvin Seminary. 

He took an over- the- top special interest in everything about me which felt weird; even in this case taking special interest in why I was absent from the banquet for 5 or 10 minutes. 

What if I had been in the restroom with  diarrhea or something?  Is that his business as well ? This isn't like we're in elementary school or kindergarten where the teacher has to know everything about the kid like a parent. This is basically graduate school. 

Roger actually made the mistake of  continuing to take shots at me even after I had left  Calvin Seminary, and all the more stupidly, he did so in writing.  And once I find that letter that I still have somewhere, I will post it as evidence. 

But you see these low- level professors* would use the word "creative" & other similar enigmatic words  because it's ambiguous enough to use as "double speak." This way they are covering their tracks and they can  deny that they meant anything derogatory, if confronted by a complaint, or a  superior investigating their behavior. 

"Dude" passed as doublespeak in that regard as well because you could argue that it's an affectionate way of talking to a fellow person. 

Roger Greenway has passed away, so I won't go on and on... I won't go on any further,  but it's worth mentioning because there might be some professors still trying to get away with this this sort of bully behavior, and maybe some students can pick up a few tips from this information. Greenway was part of the reason that I decided to transfer to a different Seminary. 

 Don't allow professors to take advantage of you.  They have ethical responsibilities and obligations that come with their teaching position; and belittling students is a violation of those ethical standards. 

*Note: It's usually only a small amount of professors who need to use this kind of unethical "classroom control", (or even outside the classroom in some cases).  It's the professors who do NOT have real great command of their content, or don't have any real command at all. So they begin struggling for class control; feel insecure , and begin belittling students as a  way to silence them.

 Coincidentally,  both Roger Greenway and Bob DeVries may have been hired more for "legacy" reasons, or nepotism ( ie sons of professors or pastors)  rather than any real great academic command or proficiency.  I'm not sure about Cal Van Reken. 

The Banner will become independent publication in 2028: no denominational funding

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Very charitable, but they declined me😒✝️ "Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation sunsets after 54 years, $1.1B donated"

 I found the letter from 2003 . Now I remember the exact details: I was asking if they would be willing to donate a copy machine for the Pastoral Care Dept on the  10th floor at the Crystal Cathedral, which, believe it or not, they did not have one at the time.  Any time the 10th floor staff  needed to make copies they had to go down or up on the elevator, etc. I had just finished 4 years at Fuller Seminary & had  started my own ministry and I was occasionally using the 10th floor as well. 

And RIch DeVos had shown appreciation for the positive thinking messages of Robert Schuller on the Hour of Power. I think he also appeared as a guest on one of the Hour of Power episodes - which I can't seem to find on the internet after a brief search-but having personally been there I remember the details. It may have actually been an evening service -, if so, it  wasn't televised for the Hour of Power. 

And I don't remember if it was prior to me sending this letter in 2003 or ex post facto. I remember one detail very clearly: Rich DeVos promised to buy Robert Schuller a new limousine because his old one, which they used to pick him up from the airport, was "bottoming out" . A limousine sounds fancy and rich of course, but I think the  original stretch limo was also donated, and it was nothing special. THe new limousine was a silver mini-Limo thanks to Devos.

 Anyways, they probably assumed that the Crystal Cathedral could afford to buy it's own copy machine for the 10th floor. And in 2003 they were probably right, even though dark clouds would start to gather in the next few years and ultimately the church would declare bankruptcy and close it's doors in 2013. I never knew it would end this way.

 I had no premonition apart from wondering at some point why the chairs in the Cathedral were getting so worn out and not being replaced? Anyways, I was there through it all, even at the court bankruptcy hearings in Santa Ana, CA. 

The Cathedral ministry actually has continued on a much smaller budget, at a few new locations (now in Irvine CA known as Shepherd's Grove) under the leadership of Bobby Schuller (Robert's grandson) and the Hour of Power can still be viewed online & on TV in some locations. 

Nonetheless, I still had my own income & savings from also working as a regular teacher and during seminary as a substitute teacher for the LAUSD and so I decided to buy the copy machine myself. I surprised the 10th floor with a gift. 

The company delivered it, but for some reason the 10th floor staff didn't accept it. They returned it. Maybe I hurt their pride. And a few weeks later they bought their own copy machine.  Whatever.

Interesting thing is we have a lot of common heritage as the DeVos family . Our family is of Dutch ancestory and Christian Reformed affiliations; as well as Grand Rapids Christian High, Holland Christian High, & Calvin College. It's a small world. Doug DeVos was a few years before me at Grand Rapids Christian High.

 Rich & Jay both attended Grand Rapids CHristian and a little bit of Calvin COllege too, I think. The DeVos family attended LaGrave CRC for many years - where my grandfather's family also attended. They had/have a cottage on Lake Michigan by Lake Macatawa as did/does my grandfather (Rest-in-Peace). 

I also worked at Pine Rest Hospital for a year after college as a Mental Health Worker mostly in the adolescent unit, which was named the Van Andel Center after Rich Devos founding partner Jay (who died in 2004; as well as his wife, Betty, Rest-in-Peace). I think the Devos Family has also made contributions to Pine Rest for the sake of Christian mental health treatment. And my father was a chaplain there for many years. 

Since 2003 I've continued to make small strides in doing Christian evangelical ministry in various ways. I've done formal mission trips, such as a summer in the Philippines with a CRC group; as well as disaster relief in Costa Rica with CRWM (world missions) after a giant earthquake caused substantial damage.

 But mostly I've done online E-vangelism (electronic evangelism: blogs, YouTube, Twitter X, etc ) as well as "street evangelism" (Gospel tracts), among many other things. All on a shoestring budget. 

My motto is "I'm not Johnny AppleSeed, but Johnny Mustard Seed" (based on Matt 17.20  which says "… Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed...Nothing will be impossible for you." I plant seeds - and hope & pray for good soil. Then I rely upon this Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 3: 6-8

Best wishes to the DeVos family as well as their staff at their Foundation.

Helen died in 2017, Rest-in-Peace
Rich died in 2018, Rest-in-Peace

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Very charitable, but declined me😒✝️ "Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation sunsets after 54 years, $1.1B donated"

Very charitable, but they declined my request for a startup donation as I was beginning my evangelical Christian ministry ✝️😒, even though i have  extensive Grand Rapids & CRC history, including Calvin & GRC Schools .

I will post the historic denial letter when I re-find it 

"Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation sunsets after 54 years, $1.1B donated"


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

R.U.Growing?✝️ "And we all are being Transformed into the same image from one degree of Glory to another...

"And we all, with unveiled face,
 beholding the Glory of the Lord,
are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the 
Lord who is the Spirit. 
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect
the Glory of the Lord 
                           -2 Cor3.18-

Friday, April 5, 2024

Nothing here about gambling "Board releases details about Boer resignation in response to due process concerns "– Calvin University Chimes

"The group who submitted the request does not assert Dr. Boer's innocence; their main request was for transparency and assurance that due process was followed in the complaint process, for the good of both Boer and the individual who reported the allegations...."


Hope college exclusive: Wiebe Boer was sending online gambling referrals “Calvin ex-president speaks on resignation scandal "

Hope college exclusive: Wiebe Boer was sending online gambling referrals "Calvin ex-president speaks on resignation scandal "

"Honestly," said Boer, "I didn't even know that sports betting was against the rules."

Boer loves to follow his favorite teams and "win a little pocket money." you can make more money by referring others."

 The message on his phone read "Learn how to receive $100 in bonuses (up to $2000 per month) with BetMGM's Refer A Friend."


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Prayer by ChatGPT πŸ™✝️ (per my command)

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging Your sovereignty and power over all things, including the forces of darkness led by Satan. We recognize the pervasive influence of evil in our world and the harm it inflicts upon Your creation. We beseech You to protect us from the schemes and temptations of the enemy.

Lord, we declare the wickedness of Satan and his minions, who seek to deceive, destroy, and sow chaos in our lives and communities. We ask for Your divine intervention to thwart their plans and expose their lies.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we command every demon and evil spirit to flee from every sphere of influence—be it our homes, workplaces, schools, governments, or any other realm. We proclaim Your authority over all principalities and powers, knowing that nothing can stand against Your might.

Grant us discernment to recognize the tactics of the enemy and the strength to resist them. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in righteousness and truth, shining as beacons of Your love and grace in a darkened world.

May Your light dispel the darkness, and Your peace reign supreme in every heart. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Wow! "List of Reformed denominations "- Wikipedia

Christian Reformed Churches of Netherlands is NOT same as CRCNA even tho wiki lists it simply as CRC


☝️"Christian Reformed Churches of Netherlands" is not the same as CRCNA even tho wiki lists it simply as CRC . 

For the CRC in America, and also Canada, that most of us are more familiar with, you need to search for "CRC in North America. " πŸ‘‡

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

about Paul Schrader's movie Hardcore, that begins in Grand Rapids and ends in Hollywood (which is not Bellflower)

prefix: anybody from the Reformed tradition, and especially the Christian Reformed tradition (CRC), should at least be aware of the legacy of Paul Schrader (a calvin alumnus, maybe or maybe not graduated); and the 1979 movie Hardcore (even if it is not recommended for young people; nor would I recommend it in general except for the purpose of knowing the significance of it for the reformed community) ; and also there's a reference to Bellflower in it (which is where the Christian Reformed settled in southern California back in the day, and to this day there remains a few CRC's as well as the K-12 Christian school founded by the CRC, and still in association with the CRC. Furthermore, many Valley students go on to Calvin College; another reason for being aware of who is Paul Schrader and in particular this film entitled "Hardcore". 

Above: my pic of Paul Schrader when I saw him at the UCLA Hammer Museum in Los Angeles years ago. 

 Ironically I grew up in GR (Grand Rapids, MI)  but our family moved to Bellflower when I was in high school. Paul Schrader begins his movie "Hardcore" (original title was "The Pilgrim" in GR ..and the kids are headed to a young calvinist convention (something the Christian Reformed Church used to do, maybe still do, for adolescents of the CRC)  with a big sign on a bus that says "Bellflower" on it. But before I recap the movie for those of you who haven't seen it (by the way, it is available, or was, on Tubi for free now, finally; & not for children by the way. See https://tubitv.com/movies/670431/hardcore ; by the way, last time I checked it is no longer available on Tubi ; maybe they mistakenly released it for free temporarily. Maybe I got lucky). 

I guess I didn't see it because I hadn't made a point of it, and it hasn't been free until now. I'm not a "fan boy" of Paul Schrader just because of our similar backgrounds. If he creates good material I will applaud it. Otherwise, not.  But when it popped up as a "new free movie" on Tubi I took the time to critically view it. You can also view the opening scenes on YouTube at   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3x46EkgGfc or https://rb.gy/29yjho

So this film was released in 1979 when I was 12 years old, and of course when I was a kid in the 70's in Grand Rapids it would not have been a movie my parents would have approved of, even if it was a Paul Schrader movie- or maybe especially because it was a Schrader movie. He was considered a rebel back then by the CRC- and may still be in some parts. 

My parents never mentioned him, either intentionally or because he simply wasn't in their sphere. I only knew of him because of little things I heard or read here & there- maybe at my Christian school (GRCH) or later at Calvin College.  I haven't gone back to research this aspect of Paul Schrader's life, but as best as I can recall there was some sort of controversy about Schrader when he was on the Chimes staff, and something about  the college chaplain, and something about the code of counseling confidentiality etc etc, … ; and something happened that  I won't speculate any further .. some say he got kicked out of Calvin; others say he graduated. Numerous stories abound and maybe we will never know for sure. Schrader himself may have started some of the rumors to add to his "rebel image". At this point, it doesn't really matter. 

 Even when our family moved from GR to Bellflower when I was in high school I didn't know anything specific about the movie Hardcore or any of his other movies. I don't even remember when I saw Taxi Driver, the movie he is best known for (probably, as he himself says; but some make an argument for "American Gigolo") . 

Here's one quote I come across re Taxi Driver: 

"In 1973, only five years out of Calvin College, Schrader wrote a near-perfect first screenplay, including revision, in ten days while living in his car following the demise of his first marriage, drinking heavily and attracted to pornography, guns, and suicide. No surprise, then, that Taxi Driver (1974) is not a cheerful work, displaying at length the badly tangled psyche of marine-vet Travis Bickle (De Niro), a New York cabbie who drives the night shift because he can't sleep anyway." https://www.booksandculture.com/articles/1999/julaug/9b4020.html

And of course I had never seen him in person nor even a picture of him. I mention this because much later in life when I was a young adult working in Los Angeles & exploring different parts, I started going to the UCLA Hammer Museum on a periodic basis (by the way, I also worked for a short time at UCLA as a chaplain in the medical center, and completed CPE there (Clinical Pastoral Education). Even though the museum is far too lefty for my taste, I would go there as a Christian evangelist and try to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior- if nothing else- leaving little Bible tracts underneath windshield wipers. My code of honor as an evangelist is that if a person rejects the gospel I can at least try to be influence or inspire them to be a good citizen. 

And one day I noticed the Hammer Museum calendar saying that Paul Schrader was going to be there in person- so I made sure to mark the date to attend the free event. Of course, Schrader attended the UCLA for cinematography (or whatever they call it now)- and for this event he was showing a film and having a conversation with a museum person (& I think he was donating some of his "historic" materials to the UCLA archive).

So I arrived a little early and entered the lobby of the Hammer Museum, and there was an elderly chap sitting alone on a bench waiting for the event to begin and I just passed him by to find a seat in the auditorium. What I didn't know until the show started was that it was Paul Schrader himself sitting there.

I wished I had known what he looked like so I could have said hello and mention to him our similar pathways- ie we both grew up in GR, both attended GRCH & Calvin, both grew up in the CRC, etc. He originally intended to go into Christian ministry, while I actually did so; but also dabbled in show business myself (more about that later).  It would have been a fun conversation.

Also, by the way, his late brother Len was involved in Hollywood film making, mainly as a writer- best known for his film entitled "Kiss of the Spiderwoman" - another film which I did not see until late in life- and for that matter- I didn't find it very compelling- and never actually finished watching it. It had a lefty agenda which I don't necessarily agree with- or find very entertaining either. But it did win an Oscar, for what it's worth. It stars the late William Hurt- and I noticed that Paul is currently married to Mary Beth Hurt- who as best as I can tell was originally married to William Hurt- but it ended in divorce (I think). 

Another connection to the Schraders is that Len attended the University of Iowa writing program in Iowa City (coincidentally,  I was born at the University of Iowa Medical Center when my dad was working his first full-time job as a CRC pastor- and my parents had interacted with Len on a few occasions). 

 Anyways, I attended the Hammer Museum event -watched his film about "Mishima" - listened to the interview- nothing particular memorable about any of it. Never got a chance to talk to him. With all of this as a prelude, let's get back to the Hardcore movie- as mentioned it begins in GR with kids sledding on a hill - like I did when I was a child - I think they show "Richmond Park" for the sledding scene (where I never went sledding- we would usually go to Brookside or Tower Park on the SE side).

They also show at least one Christian Reformed Church in the opening scene- I think it is Leonard Street CRC. This is the west side of GR- opposite of where I grew up. I would rarely come over this way on my own or even with my family - except for a few times when we might go to John Ball Zoo. I remember playing against "Westside" school in basketball when I was playing for Millbrook on the southeast side (I remember Bill Sall was their best player. Now he's the Calvin Coach. Small world). That's about it. Anyways, the point is that Paul Schrader was a "west sider." 

Later in life I've explored the west side of GR a bit more, but we never attended the Christian Reformed churches on that side of town (our family attended 1st CRC, also known as Bates Street). Of course we had west side kids in our class at GRCH- all the Christian junior high students (from Ada, Millbrook, Sylvan, East Paris, Westside, Creston, etc ) eventually meet at the one main high school (some of these junior highs no longer exist, including mine). The opening scene also apparently shows Paul's dad shoveling snow and Paul's actual house (lots of actual real snow- makes me wonder if they filmed this after the famous blizzard of '78? I was living there at the time and remember it well. And it fits with the timing of the release a year later).

There's also a scene at a factory, and also at a home that says in fading paint "Van Dorn's Celery"-  (apparently, celery farming was a thing in west Michigan for some time. See https://www.thehenryford.org/explore/blog/celery-in-western-michigan )  where they show some of the elderly folk talking about Reformed theology- all familiar topics to me

Later, there's even a scene where the main character - the father in search of his daughter in Los Angeles (played by George C. Scott) has a conversation with a young lady about "TULIP" - the reformed acronym for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable Grace, & Perseverance of the Saints - to which the female character responds "Wow, you're more messed up than me", or something like that. 

 Why is the father searching for his daughter? Because somewhere after reaching Los Angeles, the daughter disappeared. And nobody knows what happened. So after hiring a private investigator who is only partially successful or honest with the father, the father decides to go to L.A. on his own to find his beloved daughter. 

And here is where I need to mention some particulars about the movie that are misleading. Of course the bus says they are going to a convention in Bellflower which is indeed in Los Angeles county- but Bellflower is one of MANY suburbs & incorporated cities (88 in total) of L.A. county -and it is not necessarily in a "seedy" area as depicted in the movie.

From Bellflower to downtown is 18 miles.  If a young person was going to L.A. to be LED ASTRAY (no pun intended, but it works well ie LA= Led Astray), Bellflower would not necessarily be the place to go. Bellflower was originally mostly Dutch farmers- in fact my dad, as the son of a CRC pastor,  partially grew up there in the 1930's before moving to Holland Michigan. 

He has photo album pics of wide open fields- dirt roads, lots of open space etc. Of course by the 70's it had become much more established,  but still then and today is not near Hollywood nor the lefty craziness you might think (of) (sorry to end with a preposition). In the 70's and even still today it is a relatively mundane community - not a lot of exciting night life or theatres, etc. 

For entertainment, people might go to Cerritos Mall; or venture all the way downtown or to Hollywood for special shows etc. Belfllower is surrounded by other suburbs such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Norwalk, Downey, Paramount, and the list goes on.  For sports, there's Angels Stadium in Anaheim, and Dodger Stadium near downtown, and all the other sports teams, but none are near Bellflower. 

Perhaps Bellflower's biggest claim to fame today is the football team at Bosco Catholic High School. They are a regular top seed in the entire nation for high school football, and high prospects will travel or move to the area to attend Bosco- with high hopes of a college career and maybe even the NFL. 

Originally, however,  Bellflower (originally called Somerset) was a stronghold for the CRC- including Valley Christian Schools- associated with the CRC- which my grandfather (also a CRC pastor) co-founded back in the 30's. So the Bellflower sign on the bus is misleading. 

If this CRC father's daughter went to Bellflower- to get "led astray" into pornography she would have had to travel on her own or be picked up by somebody - to the other side of L.A. (county, not city)  - most likely San Fernando Valley (about 40 miles from Bellflower) - which is known to be more of a pornography -producing area. I am now imagining the snarky hyper-sexual punk out there reading this sarcastically saying suggestively, "How does he know it's a porno area? "

And the answer is: I study and read, and learn. Not from personal involvement in it. I also worked as a substitute teacher for the LAUSD for many years while going thru seminary and so I got to know the area from working at the many LAUSD schools in the area, and you learn as you go. San Fernando valley (not to be confused with the City of San Fernando in SF Valley) is comprised of many cities, from Glendale out to Thousand Oaks, and everything in between. Of course, there's also Burbank, Tarzana, Studio City, North Hollywood, etc

There's also the mainstream film industry in this area, including Warner Bros, Disney, as well as numerous other smaller film production companies. When I was still in seminary I bought a used station wagon a few decades ago- a beautiful Mercury Colony Park- & it just happened to be from a fellow who was a film producer living in Studio City and had used it to transport "suits" (ie film studio executives around the lot).

To put all of this into context: Grand Rapids to Holland MI (or Grand Haven if you prefer) (a drive I took millions of times to "grandpa's cottage" growing up in West Michigan) is about 30 to 35 miles, closer than Bellflower is to San Fernando. Basically, "the valley" is the other side of "the hill" – which Mulholland Highway traverses from the Bel Air area towards the Hollywood Bowl area ( I recently drove it with my elderly parents & my sister who was visiting from Michigan- showing them the sights-

Anyways, this leads me to another point: After my family moved to Bellflower, I still went back and forth to Grand Rapids as I attended Calvin College, and two of my siblings remained in West Michigan. And my grandfather on my mother's side still resided in GR - and ran a profitable butter business. 

Anybody who knows a little bit of Dutch American and CRC history can easily figure out who I am from all the clues I've given.  And people who knew our family -and made the association of us with my successful businessman grandfather (& his "mansion" in East Grand Rapids) -- assumed when we moved to southern Cal we were moving to a place like Beverly Hills - like a mansion or something. Because they also knew my dad was moving back to California to work for a successful televangelist Christian ministry- which evoked images of financial well-being, in the minds of some people.

However, Bellflower is NOT Beverly Hills. It's not a "bad neighborhood" necessarily but it's just basic middle-class houses - some areas nicer and more spacious than other- but some parts very close together- including lots of apartments. Our family moved to a nice 2-story home: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, big backyard, near a park, etc - also in an equestrian area- where some people had horses- and they would ride them on the nearby riverbed and on the streets as well. But it was NOT a fancy area that you might see in Sunset Magazine etc. 

I say this because over time- we would have CRC friends visit from west Michigan (some of them "Eagle Knights" -ie who attended GRCH & Calvin like myself)  and often they would come with certain pre-conceptions as mentioned only to find out we lived in an "ordinary" middle class neighborhood. 

Some with less class would return to Michigan and tell snarky stories about where we live as if we ever pretended to be rich Beverly Hills people. WE never did. And still don't to this day (although I don't live in Bellflower anymore, my parents still do in the same house).

We are not and never were a "flashy" family, nor was my wealthy Grand Rapids grandfather (apart from the mansion, of course). My wealthy grandfather drove station wagons his whole life, and kept his Lake Michigan cottage fairly primitive. Even today the driveway remains unpaved. His son who took over the business is more of a flashy type- in terms of cars and boats. But those of us who moved to Bellflower were never the flashy types.

There were also a few "friends" who assumed I was going to be in the movie business myself because of the images and associations they had in their minds of me and my family (as mentioned my dad also worked for a televised ministry that periodically interviewed famous guests as part of the church service; including the occasional Hollywood celebrity who had at least a little bit of Christian conviction). And some thought I had "Hollywood looks" whatever that means. But I never had any dreams or ambitions of becoming a so-called "movie star". 

One of these people I knew from Calvin showed up by surprise one day when I was still in Bellflower and she was shocked that it was nowhere near Hollywood and the film industry. And disappointed for that matter. She mistakenly thought I was part of that crowd. Sorry Audrey (& Eric). I never said I was, nor pretended to be (but that's another story for another time). Later, I did become a little involved in show business – but mostly for the sake of my Christian ministry- and trying to reach people in those circles with the good news of Jesus Christ (yes, I am an evangelical!)

CRC kids & families all over USA know about other CRC communities all over the USA from missionaries who visit their parish, & from reading The Banner, and for those who go on to Calvin, they meet fellow CRC kids (young adults). However, unless you're a rare bird, like me (or one of those CRC pastors who bounced around, or a family member of such a pastor) you probably don't personally know much of anything about that other CRC community.

 I'm such a rare CRC bird that over time I searched out all the CRC locations in California – attending a few- but mostly just taking pictures of them for a blog. Later, I did the same in the Chicago area- primarily for the purpose of getting to know the physical locations of these Christian Reformed neighborhoods. Even as late as 2023 I'm still doing this- most recently around the greater Grand Rapids area- wow -so many CRC's and RCA's and even Protestant Reformed Churches- it's mind boggling. I sometimes ponder how much more we could do as the Body of Christ if we could find a way to unite!

As best as I can tell, the only reason Paul Schrader used Bellflower as a prop on the bus was apparently because he knew of it as a Christian Reformed stronghold. I wonder if he has actually ever been to Bellflower? And as far as I know they never filmed any of the California scenes actually in Bellflower, nor even in L.A. County. From what I hear, many, if not all, of the risque CA scenes are actually filmed in San Diego County.